Particle characterization
FoodDo you control all the properties of the (nano) particles in your products? By optimizing the particle characteristics you are able to improve your (end) product, guarantee quality and optimize your production process. Every product has its own characteristics and for every process we have analytical instrumentation available that measure particle size, distribution, shape or charge.
We offer a complete package of instruments for particle size characterization from nano to centimeters in liquids, emulsions, granules and powders.
What the deployment of particle size characterization means for your product, process and overall for your company? Ask our product managers. They are happy to advise you.
Particle size analysis
CPSAccurately measure particle size distributions in suspensions and emulsions. Due to wide dynamic range, very suitable for measuring nanoparticles.
Submicron- and microparticles measurement in a liquid in high resolution
EOSSPES technology is able to provide, both more and simultaneously, information about particles in a liquid than other optical methods
In-line 3D dynamic image analysis
M&W MicrotracMeasure all shape, size and thickness parameters of particles in solids at high speed and in real-time with dynamic image analysis (DIA)
Contact us for more information, we are happy to help.
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