PharmaChemometrics is a method that extracts a maximum of relevant information from an enormous amount of data, such as those produced in pharmaceutical research.
In the pharmaceutical industry, chemometrics are used to determine the gross composition of a product by measuring. Near infrared spectroscopy (NIR) offers many advantages as a non-destructive and fast analysis technique for tablets, capsules, powders, liquids, suspensions and creams, for example. Typical applications of NIR are content measurements of a specific component, composition, identification and moisture content, in addition to a number of other important product properties. Netx to offline / lab applications, NIR is increasingly being used for inline applications (PAT). In many cases, using NIR results in a considerable cost reduction due to the speed of measurement. Hardly or no sample pre-treatment is required and no solvents or other chemicals are used.
Chemometrics has been simplified a lot by increasingly powerful computers and smart software. It is therefore increasingly easier to set up new calibrations and to maintain existing calibrations. Even transferring calibrations from one brand of NIR spectrometer to another is no longer an insurmountable problem. The tools for chemometrics are nowadays powerful and versatile and make the us of NIR widely appicable.
NIR can be combined with Hyperspectral cameras to calibrate the images. For example, certain colors of the hyperspectral images can be linked to specific substances or components. Even quantitative calibrations are possible.
Our product managers are happy to help you select the right analytical instrumentation for your process.
High-end NIR analyser for lab and real-time process analysis
ITPhotonicsThe Polispec NIRe even has an extraordinary spectral range of 930-2180 nm
Vektor Direktor; software for high-level multivariate data analysis
Vektor DirektorChemometrics enable you to make fast and reliable quality decisions based on quantitative results in seconds.
NIR analysis in an instant
ViaviRapid RMID (Raw Material Identification) in pharma with the MicroNIR OnSite-W
Contact us for more information, we are happy to help.
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