Dust emissions
Energy & emissionsThe continuous measurement of dust emissions is an important measurement for your process when you have to comply with legal requirements in the field of emissions. By measuring dust concentrations, you are able to monitor safety, control your production process and make timely adjustments. Whether it is about measuring dust concentrations in (open) spaces or in flue gas channels, we have a suitable solution for every dust application, available for ATEX environments and with various options focused on your process.
Dust measurements are applied within a wide range of industries; from power plants, refineries, to paper production and milk powder production. A common application is monitoring dust filters in a process to prevent shut-down or even dust explosions. Dust measurements are often used to stay within the emission guidelines of the production location. The analyzers are certified according to the latest standards and directives and enable you to select the best solution for your process, both technically and commercially.
We have a suitable solution for every dust application. Conatct our product managers today.
Dust Measurement with Extractive Sampling
DuragAre process conditions not suitable for an in-situ measurement? Choose the extractive dust measurement.
Tribo-Electric Dust Monitor for Flue Gas Ducts
DuragDurag’s tribo-electric dust monitors offer continuous monitoring of dust levels in (dry) flue gas ducts.
Optical in-situ dust analyser with laser or light
DuragContinuously measure the lowest dust concentrations, both quantitatively (mg / m3) and qualitatively (%), with Durag's optical dust analysers
Contact us for more information, we are happy to help.
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